
CoinDesk - Unknown
Brazilian Congress Postpones Crypto Bill Vote Until After October Presidential Elections
Deputies were originally scheduled to consider the text this week, which has already been approved by the Senate.
CoinDesk - Unknown

CoinDesk - Unknown
Panamá aprueba ley cripto que regula transacciones y aplica exenciones impositivas
El proyecto de ley regula el comercio de criptomonedas y les aplica 0% de impuestos a las ganancias de capital.
CoinDesk - Unknown

CoinDesk - Unknown
Russian Government Introduces Crypto Bill to Parliament Over Central Bank Objections
The Ministry of Finance is pushing forward with cryptocurrency regulation in Russia. Crypto payments will still be prohibited.
CoinDesk - Unknown

CoinDesk - Unknown
The States Can't Blockchain
If states want to promote the use of blockchain tech, they need advisors with solid technical understanding of what they're trying to legislate.
CoinDesk - Unknown

CoinDesk - Unknown
Lawmaker Wants New York State to Pilot Local Cryptocurrencies
A bill introduced by New York Assemblyman Ron Kim would launch pilot programs testing cryptocurrencies as a community monetary system.
CoinDesk - Unknown

CoinDesk - Unknown
Nebraska Lawmaker Files 3 Blockchain Bills
A lawmaker in Nebraska has filed a trio of bills focused on blockchain and cryptocurrencies.
CoinDesk - Unknown

CoinDesk - Unknown
Official: Russia to Introduce Cryptocurrency Regulation Bill Next Week
New cryptocurrency laws are expected to be introduced to the Russia's national legislature on Dec. 28.
CoinDesk - Unknown

CoinDesk - Unknown
South Korean Officials Weigh New Curbs on Bitcoin Trading
The South Korean government is considering a range of policy options in order to curb what it called an "overheating of virtual currency speculation."
CoinDesk - Unknown

CoinDesk - Unknown
Russia Could Pass Cryptocurrency Law This Year, Senior Lawmaker Says
Russia may have a finalized cryptocurrency trading bill by the end of the summer, according to a senior lawmaker.
CoinDesk - Unknown

CoinDesk - Unknown
Russia Likely to Mandate Identity Checks for Bitcoin Purchases
Russia’s deputy finance minister said this week that cryptocurrency purchasers will be required to prove their identity under forthcoming regulations.
CoinDesk - Unknown